Meio Ambiente

28 Maio 2024 - Farai Samhungu Peter Donelan
With support from the EIF, Zambia intensified its trade growth and diversification efforts directed at different levels to achieve systemic improvements. These were: first, on strengthening linkages to both the private sector and the Government around key products, such as honey; second, on building the institutional capacity of the Government and trade-related organizations, mainstreaming trade in the country’s development framework, and improving the trade regulatory environment; and third, exploring new markets for Zambian products.
The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF), which helps developing countries become more active players in the global trading system, supported the development of QI by co-financing the Pacific Quality Infrastructure (PQI) Initiative.
2 Agosto 2022
In 2022, WTO members have the opportunity to move forward on an aid for trade agenda that supports LDCs to tackle pressing challenges at the intersection of trade and sustainability. Given the massive trade-related challenges facing LDCs, the huge gap between needs and available support for a just transition to sustainable trade, and the urgency, scale, and impact of intersecting environmental crises in LDCs, mobilizing additional resources, investments, and partnerships is vital.
7 Junho 2022
LDCs have to deal with millions of tonnes of plastic products imported each year, including products with embedded plastics and with associated plastic packaging.
23 Junho 2020
A COVID-19 provocou um declínio abrupto nos negócios dos operadores nas áreas protegidas, combinado com uma queda substancial nos futuros pedidos de reservas.
16 Dezembro 2019
Um Mecanismo Multilateral Global de Partilha de Benefícios revela-se o veículo adequado mediante o qual os países ricos em biodiversidade podem ser compensados por recursos genéticos utilizados na propriedade intelectual.
13 Agosto 2019
De que forma podem os países utilizar o comércio para promover a resiliência?
20 Dezembro 2015
Desenvolvimento de soluções empresariais ecológicas para as famílias rurais
17 Novembro 2015
Oumar é uma das 370.500 pessoas do Mali que produz goma-arábica, 80% das quais (296.400) são mulheres.