About Us

Launched in February 2018, Trade for Development News (managed by the Enhanced Integrated Framework) focuses on the trade stories of least developed countries. We regularly publish relevant and engaging pieces from thought leaders in the fields of trade, finance, international development and more.

Topics we are interested in concern the 46 least developed countries and five recently graduated countries, trade policy changes, innovations in trade and development support, and what has worked and what hasn’t on the ground. We also publish pieces on globally critical themes like the environment, agriculture, women, conflict and technology.

Our mission is to fill a much-needed gap in the trade conversation by foregrounding least developed countries and facilitating dialogue that sits at the nexus of lived experience, development efforts and trade enhancements. By amplifying such discussions, our ultimate goal is to contribute to poverty alleviation and job creation in the countries that need it most.

All articles are published in English and French, with a selection in Portuguese.

We are a Google News source.